By Judy Frank, guest contributor

A Grandma’s heart

Her face is sweet, her eyes are blue, her hands are beautiful.

I’ve had to come to terms with the reality of this diagnosis. How can it be God’s will for my beautiful blonde granddaughter to be in a special-needs class? How can it be fair to watch her challenges and how hard it is on my son and his wife? How can God give a special needs child to a couple who are in full-time ministry? It doesn’t seem fair.

I’ve put my hands over this child’s head for 12 years and begged God to heal her, but at 58 years old I’m finally getting it. I am finally seeing the true gift of Luci in my life and in my family. One of the things that has done for our family is my six other grandchildren reach out to special needs children in their schools. Also, my son and his wife now are involved in ministry to the special needs community in churches and connecting families to each other.

So now, 12 years later, I wonder where would I be without Luci in my life. Every day with Luci is difficult and beautiful, heartbreaking and heartwarming, painful and powerful.

Our whole family is blessed because we have Luci in it and I believe our pain is never to be wasted but to draw our hearts closer to each other and to our Heavenly Father, who knew that Luci would change the world by changing me, her grandma, and everyone she touches.